Viking Boer is a jewellery business that emanated from a hobby of stringing beads and making wire jewellery. Over time our products were influenced by history and specifically the Vikings, Medieval, Celtic, the South African history and from the sixties with the typical Boho or Hippie styles of jewellery.
This is a jewellery business that offers its customers unique, authentic, one of a kind and old school pieces. Our products are mostly hand made from silver, copper, leather and wood, while adding colour with semi precious stones and crystals.
Our customers will also find Viking accessories in the form of real size swords, axes and horn beer mugs, tote bags, pins, t shirts, shields and leather bags.
Besides the on line shop you will find us displaying at major events such as ComicCon, Rage, Medieval Fayre, AlterEgos Events and Geek Fest.